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Version: 1.x


Type: enum<int>

Identifies the state of the player by a number and can contain one of these possible values:

  • 1 - The player is in an IDLE state, no media has been loaded and the player is doing nothing.
  • 2 - The player is in a CUED state, media has been loaded and is ready for playback.
  • 3 - The player is PLAYING.
  • 4 - The player is PAUSED.
  • 5 - The player is BUFFERING.
  • 6 - Playback has ENDED.


import { PlayerState } from '@vime-js/standard';
const { state } = player.getStore();
state.subscribe(newState => {
if (newState !== PlayerState.PLAYING) return;

For demonstration purposes, the following is a simpler alternative.

const { playing } = player.getStore();
playing.subscribe(isPlaying => {
if (!isPlaying) return;